This series is a semi-annual gathering dedicated to fostering mental health awareness, advocacy, and equity.
Attendance is always free for every member of the Waco community!
Registration is required. Lunch is available for purchase for $5 upon registering.
CEUs for the first workshop will be available for purchase at the event.
Register here:
In this event, we will be Navigating Wellness Together through Lifesaving Conversations.
From 10:30 a.m.-12p.m we will have Donna Nickerson, a licensed psychotherapist, and owner of Da Shacks Farmer Market Health, Wellness Inc., and 3Dimensions Inc., join us to speak about Psychological well-being.
Following we will host questions to ask about suicide which could save the life of someone you know! This part will be held from 1:30 pm-3:30 pm and will be hosted by Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network